Do you often find yourself beginning a sentence with the words 'I hope', as in “I hope I get the promotion …the new job …a pay rise …a new relationship”. Do you get the picture? We use the word 'hope' - do we use it correctly? What do we mean by hope? It is a wish not truly believed. It is an aspiration that one feels is somehow in the lap of fate and random chance -maybe it is, but I believe it is not when it is done with faith. Not religious faith rather personal faith, unshakable confidence that - it can really happen
This reflection is about hope. Hope fundamentally is a feeling that a desire will be fulfilled. This is its definition according to popular usage in dictionaries. Yet we frequently find ourselves using the words "I hope", when we don't expect the desire to be fulfilled at all! So you say, “I hope I get the job” when deep down inside you don't believe you will....
Cheerfulness, it would appear, is a matter which depends fully as
much on the state of things within, as on the state of things without
and around us
Charlotte Bronte. writer (1816-1855)
It is estimated that 80% of the skills we require to succeed in life are attitude-based. This includes determination, commitment, focus, motivation, empathy, persistence and compassion. The other 20% are skills we have to acquire or are taught us such as education, technical skills and professional knowledge.
Today I want you to reflect on the impact your attitudes will have on your life experience. Today let’s concentrate on the 80% attitude-based skills. Let us be clear that your attitude is 100% under your control right now. The $64 million dollar question is. Is your attitude positive or negative?
Thinking positive makes you act positive
There is sound psychological evidence to show that a positive attitude and outlook is an effective way of...
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